With this moon
<land sounds>
I have to say
I love you pink moon
I love this blessing
creating angel fields
You are full and so are we
navigating directions
Moving forward
With This divine pink
exactly the right time
spiral numbers forming
new fractals,
foundations of fullness
seven new harmonic fields
anchoring all of us
infinite trinity spinning within
with Four and three
reminding us of the way we were
our purity returning
pink waves and oceans
raining sparks
speaking creation codes
even Egypt didn’t know this completely
the strength it requires to birth
Eternal beauty and light,
supporting this new world,
our cosmic soul body
who can hold anything
has to be created,
we connect
holy power and her sevens
trinity gateways
and star families
I love you pink moon
for these visions
In unified Aquarian light
As the scales of justice
come into perfect balance
knowing she is loved and safe
rising gold pink portal waters
expanding wilderness
burning in the dark
Flying with you, pink moon
n top of
Thunder mountain,
star moon spinning magic
finding miracles
the most beautiful place I have seen yet,
like the spring flowers,
the ravens know
they dance for us here
twelve joined us that day
sounding thunder
anchoring sound, souls and drums
I am the thunder and the lightning
I am a phoenix rising
golden arrows and silver wings
I am A new rhythm
In the middle of the desert
Spinning stillness
loving the space as
sevens form nines for the eights to
become four and then three because
the path to one is the flow to zero
this thunderheart of Sedona
perhaps we did this in Egypt once
Pulling the tides near
Sounding fullness
Isis and Osiris watching
kingdoms of light
learning how to rise
gentle and swaying
walking along the shore
with our drums, singing
Pink moon I love you
these visions carry
infinite possibility
A night by the Nile up on Thunder
with the pink playing the drum
paving the way
feeling purity
As the old world crumbles
the most incredible spirit
Is rising
Keys to
0 7 9 1
Star alignments