Star warriors
<land sounds>
and wind portals
carrying us into a
new world
our new reality
we have to activate
on the redrock
Being all day on the holy land
Temple templates
hearing monks chant
bringing new fractals
into our sacred fields
we are holding Aquarius in our hearts
chipping off the ice
for those of us who choose
everything is here for us now
gardens grow spreading new seeds,
seeds become glistening rainbow
trees within seconds,
it’s a miracle
we are here
holding new light
able to be it
on the redrock
the crystal city rises
while I hold pink roses
voices singing together
This new reality is not about separation
The only things that are real
are inside of us now
when stars stand in the sky
when the cosmic winds
blast every particle into New forms
It makes us stronger
after this I will be
You will be
This reality we are building will be
all love purified
Moving mountains
Making room
this new expression of eternal light
A merged king and queen
this transformation
bubbling everywhere
we have to allow our souls
to be vulnerable and trust
we the creators and healers
we who sing, dance, sound
we who would
lend a hand to anyone
climbing the sacred mountain
all of us
lifting each other up
being grace
I am the redrock chanting light
where beauty expands grace
New stars forming
I am inside my emerald star
crystal blue waters
on the edge
watching galaxies meet
the beautiful song in the canyon,
all the lineages
stepping forward becoming holy
no Barriers or veils
pure light pure sound purely being
the Aquarian Pluto alignment
emptying everything
So that we may be the ones
who fill these holy spaces
A wonderful Sedona artist
was just saying the other day
It’s like I’m on Everest right now
So close to the top
There is no time or space to look down
or to deal with what or who is there
I can not go in any other direction
Except up
I’m going to the top
Feet kicking into ice one step at a time,
I’m going higher no matter what
there is no other reality
for those of us on this path
above the density
flowers and bees
hummingbirds buzzing
crystal castles shimmering
climbing high
in peace and goodness
there is only love
and the ones who know
this new creation
getting ready
to dance
to begin the glorious night
we’ll never have to come down
It has required everything to hold
this light, anchoring her new ways
I am chanting
Like the monks
with my peacock feathers and sacred codes,
with my people even if they haven’t arrived yet,
we are the way-showers
new emerald creation codes
cheering us on
chanting this into
new souls
New light new songs
A holy sacred night
welcoming all of us
As we step up into
the unknown with our emerald
Mother and her light
Keys to
Emerald mother codes