Healing kingdoms

<music visuals>

during the alignment 
the body needed a new body 
electric firewater
Holding stars burning stardust light
walking into the canyon 
passing time, dropping bodies,
removing wounds from time
all lineages simultaneously,
sweating water oceans
a blue white portal elevating 
the divine lineage who  
decided to Emdody all of it 
these alignments
who we really are Now 
why we must become our magic 
choosing love, realizing 
there are no wounds at all 
after this first flood 
erasing ancient impacts 
for new creations
so goddesses can be 
complete and ready  
unbroken trees 
even though today
everything and everyone felt
a collective feeling of loss
grieving shadows that do not exist
seeking this magnificent 
pure white pink golden light 
holding all of us,
Saying it’s okay this time 
we made it
hearts shifting
lineages becoming 
pink kings singing royal realms 
so we can be this
holy water world 
holding all souls 

healing heart meditation spiritual
emerald pink angel star energies
energy healing meditation visuals

Keys to 
Seven and seven 
Being kings


Chanting angels


Celestial events beginning