Celestial events beginning
to align
it’s not casual at all
this is a deep mission
for so long,
thousands of years at least
in the stars, in earth
inside all consciousness Fields
these ever expanding
time fields,
I had no idea
this Plutonian alignment
would enter like today
I thought everything else
on the outside would
anchor it, until body
woke sharp and unknown
Physical embodiment releasing
All the Things that
could have happened but didn’t
during times of massive stargate
infinity alignments
what began this day
Shiva Shakti level
creating new earth
to assist Pluto
our Deep friend
being whole
All of us
transforming the transformation
for Goddess and all her realms
for all lineages liberated,
body dying a million deaths,
Making space for our realms
new bodies and hearts
being okay with being
before the water inside
liberation fractals divine
exploding stars
from the inside out
pulling the universe through our
bones and blood and skin and density
into the celestial
Holy Mother
this breath and life
as the body merges
every possibility
Seeing the unseen
lending hands over hands
blessing all of us
strong trees growing new land
we are devoted
highest miracles
moving through
these sapphire gates
Keys to
Sycamore trees