Silver light mother
cosmos dragons rising
blue kundalini women
ascending divine feminine
goddesses of eternal light
holding the garden of Eden
In our hearts, strong like
Supernova grapevines
extending the olive branch
To every thought everywhere
within everyone and everything
swords of holy light forming
pillars of strength as we hold
forever I AM space
first creation flowing
Pink river water
This is what we do
when the world
turns upside down
we are holy ones
extending grace
for all that is
Isis, Quan Yin, Ishtar
Kali, Lakshmi
Shiva within
We are manifesting stars
Plasma golden
lighting magic oceans
speaking tidal waves
As old structures disappear
Rising holiest
Starsun super nova
forces of eternal
elemental balance
Blue Sapphire veins
anchoring new earth
her liberated heart
always accessible
her holy water
merging hearts
We are strong for
Most high humanity
building our holy tree
our light is unshakable
War is deleted
as we rejoice in her
destiny of sunshine
crystalline samadhi
reclaiming our gardens
heavenly stations
starfire identity
Sparks flying
Songs igniting
Hands uniting
Roses liberating
This most sacred path
realizing who we are
United in heart mind soul
body life light and universal
realms of forgiveness and
Christ conscious night
we are sparkfire and diamond iron
Goddesses flowing from
New earth wombs
Birthing a new beginning
we allow no one to fall
Eternal in our
highest call to be
everything she is asking
our Trinified hearts
See, we are sparks
Swords of lightning
strong like
First Buffalo Woman
moving tidal waves
with love and
more love for all
Humanity Divine
watering our creation tree
Cosmic Mother Dragon
is awakening
perfect luminosity
Keys to
Reclaimed trinity