Near the tree
<land chant>
under the blue sky
days or aeons
becoming total stillness
heavens reaching heart
hummingbird came
singing on top of the juniper
stillness rising, sparking
infinity and
deep breath echos
divine kings
Crystal souls Being holy
now and first creation
being here holding us
Issahya and the holy song
Reverberating Triboluminescent
beginnings fusing Soulblood prayers
innermost soulstar songs generating
divine masculine embodiment
a Goddess revealing
how kings can birth kings
the most magical aspect of all life
Creation codes and golden suns
like That time we created Venus
universal mother and her light
Osiris beginning Isis
before Egypt, the cosmic dance
when form found form
one breath became two
stars merging worlds
hidden chambers
by the tree
where ravens gathered
A sweet bee danced
Osiris and his drum
Pluto and Aquarius
rising near the tree
After the first
most beautiful Day,
the first golden spark sound
Yes, I remember
What it is like
to merge divinity and rise
in sacred song
I am Osiris
I came here for my sisters
And the goddess
I remember First creation
Issahya reveals the unseen
the place where we
Radiate magical
Luminescent unfoldment
and all things we treasure
near our sacred giving trees
In this holy light
We are one
becoming two
so that we may begin
what we always
intended to do
loving our holy selves
birthing beautiful light
Keys to
Holy realms