In this divine embrace

mother goddess juniper tree sedona

of unknown mysteries
our great mother rises
in every illuminated
moment, I AM
this Goddess
Eternal, Remembering
you, sweet one
who sings with
creation, so that she
may thrive
like water, sunfire
stars and trees
I reach into my roots
finding you, we
walk as medicine
for all that is
stepping into
grace, it is everything
in this moment
simply to know
love and expand
into these holy
plasmic realms
earth shedding skin
peeling all the layers
Lush green openings
revealing the truth
of all that is
as I see in you
everything that
I AM, I choose to be
holy, standing strong
with my family
we are eagles
roses in the wilderness
birthing love
growing light for this
new earth

birthing cave view sedona
birthing cave sedona sky view

Keys to
Goddess illuminations


The breath of the dragon


On this day