Eclipse moondust
<music visual>
new silver trees
being deepest connections,
as old things that were there
during our Egypt passages and
before Sirian alignments
transition into sparkling dust
these pristine
Divine worlds floating
inside of us
like bubbles where
anything we desire
is possible,
releasing and letting go
standing strong
knowing family will come
they hear our song
some of us break apart
so that we may be free
some come back together
creating A new family tree
new souls
blossoming every color
to discover these new realm choices
fertilizing ancestars
feeling their love
sacred gates
to a new earth, one
that exists within
new Earth heartbeats
holy opportunities
on my
Crystal skin
released from density
opening doors
dancing like queens
standing like kings
embracing love in all
chosen forms
freedom on this earth
inside our hearts
liberation and song
walking Trees growing
from ashes
It is our destiny
we are the stars we see
we are the stars seeing us,
we sing in united verse
we align with our rhythm and let go
Of what may not understand
this sacred path to pure creation
these are the times our
Ancestars knew would come
committed to this primal energy
finally being free
a time to discover
the incredible world
our holy sparkles create
new crystalline Structures
new foundations
the birth of new fire
Each choice made
from then until now
created stability
supporting highest destiny
some realities fall
as spark magic becomes close
this dynamic crystalline structure
body soul and mind
fertile soil and endless openings
beautiful and glowing
glistening and stunning
the ascenstars and trees speak
deepest creations
tangible growing trees
trusting life
holy sacred waterfire
Earthhearts expanded
in gratitude
first breath
first drum, first sight
the beginning of
everything love
we are growing holy trees
bending in the wind with
the bright beautiful silver glow
of our deep mother
moon light
revealing truth
and sacred destiny
Miigwech, brave hearted woman
guiding the way,
Metis, Osiris,
all the stars
returning these
eclipse realities
being whole
crystals in the sky
Keys to
Crystalline foundations